System terms!
-> Plural/Multiple: More words for system!
-> Alter: Official term for someone (a member) in a system!
-> Headmate: Some systems prefer head mate over alter! Same thing!
-> Innerworld/head space: Where the alters/headmates live! (Some systems don't have this :( we don't)
-> Fronting: When an alter/headmate is controlling the body!
-> Front stuck: When an alter/headmate can't stop fronting!
-> Outerworld/meatworld: The physical world!
-> Proxy: Something that triggers a discord bot to say something!
-> Singlet: A non-system!
-> Partner system: When multiple systems are connected by multiple relationships! (Not always romantic)
-> Singletsona: Who everyone in a system agrees to act like! (We all pretend to be our host!)
->Co/Cofronting: When two or more alters/headmates front at once!
-> Host/Main fronter: The alter/headmaster that fronts the most!